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Get in touch with us
The lab is open from 9am until 5pm Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays). Our friendly team of SQPs are always happy to help with your query. Out of hours, or very occasionally during the day, we are unable to answer your call, please leave a message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Middle Stobswood
NE61 3AZ
[email protected]
01670 791994
Get in touch
Our Team
Working together to care for your animals

David Booth
Husband and wife Gillian and David Booth set up the business 16 years ago. As horse owners themselves they know how important it is to keep their animals healthy through targeted worm control and they are passionate about helping their customers to do the same. Both are graduates and experienced SQP’s, David is also the Finance Director for the company.

Gillian Booth
Husband and wife Gillian and David Booth set up the business 16 years ago. As horse owners themselves they know how important it is to keep their animals healthy through targeted worm control and they are passionate about helping their customers to do the same. Both are graduates and experienced SQP’s

Kristy Hodgson
Kristy is the Director of Operations at Westgate and responsible for the day to day running of the laboratory. Having started with Westgate in 2009 Kristy now oversees the testing of samples in the lab, ensures all the results are turned around and reported promptly and generally keeps everything ship shape. A horse owner herself with a background in the equestrian trade and as a knowledgeable SQP, Kristy is on the frontline of answering customer worming queries and problems. She became a company director in 2015.

Claire Shand
Daughter of Gillian and David, Claire is the newest member of the management team and comes to Westgate from her position as Head of Marketing and Communications from the British Equestrian Federation. She is Director of Marketing and Communications at Westgate, supporting the quest to educate horse owners in the best worm control for their animals. Claire manages the brand and produces the website, social media and print material. She is also qualified as an SQP.

Carolyn Cummins MVB Phd MRCVS
After qualifying as a veterinary surgeon in 2006 from University College Dublin, Carolyn went on to study for a PhD before completing an internship in equine clinical studies at UCD. In 2010 she joined Cheviot Vets in the Northumberland/Scottish Borders as a first opinion equine vet.
Having seen the serious consequences of poor worming plans and wormer resistance first hand in too many patients Carolyn is passionate about educating clients about good worm control. After using the laboratory service in practice for several years she joined the Westgate team in 2016 to become consultant vet to Westgate, approving the SQP delivered worm control programmes and advice to help the business stay on the front foot of best practice in parasite control.