Management tips
More Info
- Choosing a livery yard with good worm control
- Your horse, his passport food chain status and your worming
- Managing your horse after worming
- Supporting good gut health
- 6 ways to better worm control in competition horses
- Targeted parasite control to take care of Dung Beetles
- How dung beetles could revolutionise your horse pasture
- Poo picking for parasites, but what about the Dung Beetles?
- Five key factors in positioning a muckheap
- Are Fly Masks Necessary?

Poultry & Bird Keepers
More Info
- Parasite Control Programme for Birds
- Basic Anatomy of Poultry
- How worms infect chickens and poultry birds
- Parasites Affecting Birds & Poultry
- Chicken Roundworm or Ascarid (Ascaridia galli)
- Hairworm or Threadworm (Capillaria spp.)
- Caecal Worm (Heterakis gallinarum)
- Blackhead (Histomoniasis meleagridis)
- Gapeworm (Syngamus trachea and Cyathostoma bronchialis)
- Gizzard Worm (Amidostomum anseris)
- Tapeworm (Davainea proglottina, Raillietina spp.)
- Coccidia (Eimeria spp.)
- What Do My Avian Results Mean?
- What Do I Worm My Birds With?