A Baermann faecal sedimentation test can be used to detect the presence of lungworm in equines. A parasite most commonly found in donkeys, it is rare for lungworm larvae to develop to full maturity in horses, though young, old and immune compromised horses and ponies can be susceptible.
The sedimentation test separates out the comparatively heavy eggs of the lungworm from the faecal matter for identification under the microscope. Because of the laboratory process involved a larger amount of dung is required than for a standard worm egg count and it and takes a number of days to process the sample for identification. We ask your clients to submit two sample pots of dung to complete this test.
- We supply you with sample containers, including prepaid envelopes for your client's convenience to return them to the lab, all paperwork using your branded practice heading, plus information sheets for clients. These can be tailored to your own requirements.
- Clients send samples direct to us, we test samples on the day we receive them in the post and report the results back to YOU either by email, phone or post. We send an invoice at the month end for tests carried out for you.
We have had very positive feedback from the veterinary practices already using this simple system. If you are interested in this service please contact: [email protected] or phone: 01670 791994.

Lungworm test kit detect infection of adult, egg laying lungworm in equines
Test kit includes everything your client needs to take and send a sample for laboratory testing with the results returned to you for dissemination and advice.
- Contact us for details of our competitive pricing structure and suggested selling prices