Yards of 10+ horses Pinworm test service

Pinworm test service

Concern about cases of pinworm (Oxyuris equi) has been on the increase over the last few years. If a pinworm problem is suspected then a worm count is unlikely to show the worm eggs because they are more often laid outside the horse around the anus area. Instead a more reliable sellotape test is used which takes an impression from the skin around the horse's bottom. This is examined under the microscope to look for the presence of pinworm eggs.

Fortunately pinworm does not cause a problem to the horse’s digestive system and won't cause internal damage like other worms. However it can cause irritation, sometimes so severe that horses will rub themselves raw around their tail head; this can lead to skin infections and further problems. Use this test on an adhoc basis to help detect a pinworm problem if a horse is itching its tail.

Direct From the Lab

The 80:20 rule generally applies to pinworm too and cases tend to be present in only a small number of horses within a herd. If you suspect a problem then it is more cost effective to test only those horses which you suspect may have an infection rather than blanket test the whole yard. 

Order a test pack through or secure online shop. Your pack will contain all you need to collect and send samples including a postage paid return envelope and pre- paid vouchers for the laboratory testing. 

Only test the individuals that are scratching just the tail, no need to test the whole herd.


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